Harold Court Primary School

Church Road, Romford, Essex, RM3 0SH


School admissions

Havering Council (the Local Authority) is the admission authority for all community schools in the London Borough of Havering. This means that it is the Council's responsibility to set the admissions criteria and make the decisions as to which pupils are admitted to this school. 

The admission arrangements can be viewed on the following page:


Prospective Parents Information

Applications for children to start Reception in September must be made via your home Local Authority.  For parents that live in Havering this website is  www.eadmissions.org.uk

Information for parents wishing to transfer their child to this school from another school (In Year Applications) can be found here www.havering.gov.uk/admissions/inyear

Secondary School Admissions information

Our school details:

Head Teacher: Mrs Hogan-O'Neill
Church Road
Harold Wood

DfE Number: 311 / 2017

Telephone: 01708 342275
Email: office@haroldcourt.org.uk

Age Range: 4 - 11
School Type: Community School
Published Admission Number: 60
A Supplementary Form (SIF) is NOT required


School Support & Pupil Services

9th Floor Mercury House

Mercury Gardens




Telephone: 01708 434600

Fax: 01708 433267

email: schooladmissions@havering.gov.uk