Harold Court Primary School

Church Road, Romford, Essex, RM3 0SH


Prospective Parents

New Prospective Parents/Carers tours of our school for children starting Reception in September 2025 will take place in October and November 2024 and January 2025.

To book a tour, please email the School Office, including: Preferred tour date / time, Parent/Carer name, Child name, and a contact phone number. 

Tours are approx 1 hour long.  You are more than welcome to bring your child and up to 2 adults per family with you for the tour.  Dates being offered are:

  • Wednesday 2nd October (10am and 5pm)
  • Thursday 3rd October (10am and 5pm)
  • Wednesday 9th October (10am)
  • Thursday 10th October (10am)
  • Friday 8th November (10am)
  • Wednesday 8th January (10am) - Additional session added

Please note, all tours have now taken place for the September 2025 Reception Intake.  If you would like any information on our school, please view the wealth of information on our website, or be in contact with our Office for specific queries.

Welcome from Mrs HO

Our School

Welcome to Harold Court School we are a two form entry school based, original building was built in 1929 and has be expanded on our Infant side 10 years ago and then further 6 years ago.

Our last Ofsted was December 2022 and we retain our Good status.

Currently we have nearly 400 children on role.

The Havering School Admissions Team manage the In-Year application process on behalf of Harold Court Primary School alongside all other schools in Havering. You must therefore apply following the In-Year process set out via www.havering.gov.uk/admissions/inyear.

Please scroll down to read more about our school and to view videos created by the children. 

Our mission statement:
Be the best you can be’

This looks different for each and everyone of us and is celebrated throughout the day, during the week and especially acknowledged during Friday’s assembly when the children receive awards for their work that has been recognised throughout the week.


 The children wear their uniform with pride and we ask them to put their own crown on each day to remind them how special they are.

Read Write Inc – New phonics programme @ Harold Court

What is Read Write Inc?

Read Write Inc (RWI) is a phonics literacy programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling.  The programme is designed for children aged 4-7. However, at Harold Court we will continue teaching RWI to children beyond the age of 7 if they still need support in their reading.


How will RWI be taught?

All children are assessed regularly by our RWI lead teacher so they work with children at the same level. This allows complete participation in lessons. Children will participate in approx. 30 minute RWI lessons each day. Some children may require additional support and they will take part in a second session each day.


Reading At Harold Court

  • At Harold Court Primary School we use Rigby Star and Bug Club, published by Pearson, as our structured reading scheme. The children follow the structured colour banded system from EYFS until they are fluent, confident readers when they select books to read at their level with guidance from their teacher. Children will also have access to Read Write Inc books that link to the sound they are learning;
  • Each day every class have a whole school Guided Reading session where the teacher focuses on comprehension skills and discussing the texts;
  • Our on-line reading programme Bug Club, produced by Pearson, consolidates reading skills, linking together home and school learning;
  • For more details please look at our school website reading page.


School Lunches

Under the universal infant school meals programme, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free school meal each day they are in school.

However, in addition to this, The London Mayor funded school meals for KS2 pupils in all London schools for a 12 month period starting from the 4th September 2023 through to the end of summer term, 24th July 2024.  Due to the positive impact of this funding, the programme was extended, and now includes the 2024-25 Academic year (running until July 2025).

Further updates to this will be provided when we receive communication.

Children have an option of 3 choices, including a vegetarian meal.  The kitchen can accommodate any child who may have food intolerances or allergies.  Please navigate to the Havering Catering section on our website (Parents - Havering Catering).


Breakfast and After School Club

We offer a Breakfast and After School Club at Harold Court which is run by the school rather than an outside agency.

Both clubs aim to provide the highest possible standard of care in a secure, caring and supportive environment, where children feel comfortable and happy before starting and finishing the school day.

We offer healthy and nutritious food. At the Breakfast Club your child will be offered cereals, fruit and toast. After School Club provides a light snack. There will always be a choice of food including fruit, fresh juices and readily available water throughout the sessions

  Breakfast Club - 7:30am – 8:30am

  After School Club – 3:15pm – 6pm

For more information please navigate to Breakfast and After School Club page.



  • Harold Court Primary School places the protection of children in its care as one of its major priorities and responsibilities;
  • We have our own Pastoral Lead, Mrs Ross who provides pastoral support and guidance to all our children, promoting their well being by liaising with parents/carers, school staff and external agencies;
  • Problems at home or school can have a detrimental impact on a child's well being and on family life, Mrs Ross aims to develop positive home/school relationships by listening and caring in a non-judgemental way;
  • Mrs Ross is here to help, offering a professional service with access to an extensive range of information, enabling her to signpost parents/carers to a variety of services who may be able to help.


How to Apply

Havering Council (the Local Authority) is the admission authority for all community schools in the London Borough of Havering. This means that it is the Council's responsibility to set the admissions criteria and make the decisions as to which pupils are admitted to this school.

The admission arrangements can be can be viewed on the Havering website:


Applications for children to start Reception in September must be made via your home Local Authority.  For parents that live in Havering this website is www.eadmissions.org.uk


Extra curricular activities/visits

We have a wide range of activities/events that take place across the year for all year groups. These range from enrichment for different subjects, understanding social responsibility to events that help make memories, and include:

  • Young Voices
  • Singing at the Senior Citizens lunch
  • Singing to raise money for Rainbow Trust our local charity
  • Collect food for Harold Hill Food bank
  • Polar Express Day
  • Great Harold Court Bake Off
  • Farm visiting the school
  • London Fire Brigade visits
  • ART/RE/DT, Science and Maths weeks

A little tour of our school from  Year 6 prefects:


We are very fortunate to have so much green space and two large playgrounds.

We run many lunchtime and after school clubs - such as football, netball and choir.

We follow the Harold Court Way  and aim to display our core values in all that we do.

Some of our favourite memories

More favourite memories

Our Reception Learning Garden

This is where children will begin their journey at Harold Court, exploring the outdoor area. Please provide them with wellies and do not be too upset when they arrive home muddy and dirty they will have had an exciting fun day!

Hear from one of our School Parliament members

One of our Restorative Rangers

What we love!